Thursday, May 11, 2006
My first post! haha... actually i sign up for the blog a few days back, but as your know.. shu the computer idiot haha.. got the help of anlin.. she taught me how to change the template, colours and sizes of the font and alignment.. initially the template part looked like one huge mass of nonsense.. not like it makes alot of sense now haha.. but its more like one huge chunk of words...
anyway went to anlin's house yesterday to return her piano book so that she can practice for her piano lesson tmr.. Initially i only intended to stay for about and hour.. But, I ended up staying an extra 6 HOURS!!! haha.. we did the blog, played the duet and made pizette for lunch... Unfortunately, we didnt let the dough rise enough.. the crust was hard as rock.. haha.. Its the same thing. I wonder is it us or a coincidence haha.. The 1st time we made pizza together with wholemeal flour, it turned out almost the same way. But when qiuqun and peishan were with us, the crust turned out fine! haha.. ok.. Or rather anlin made the dough while i entertained her by the side of her tiny kitchen.. haha.. u can actually touch the sink and fridge if u stretch out ur arms in a straight line to ur shoulders! haha..
anyway went to anlin's house yesterday to return her piano book so that she can practice for her piano lesson tmr.. Initially i only intended to stay for about and hour.. But, I ended up staying an extra 6 HOURS!!! haha.. we did the blog, played the duet and made pizette for lunch... Unfortunately, we didnt let the dough rise enough.. the crust was hard as rock.. haha.. Its the same thing. I wonder is it us or a coincidence haha.. The 1st time we made pizza together with wholemeal flour, it turned out almost the same way. But when qiuqun and peishan were with us, the crust turned out fine! haha.. ok.. Or rather anlin made the dough while i entertained her by the side of her tiny kitchen.. haha.. u can actually touch the sink and fridge if u stretch out ur arms in a straight line to ur shoulders! haha..

This is one of the pizzette (Anlin's... cuz i started on mine hee..) baked apples with canned sardines..

Anlin happily anticipating lunch!