Wednesday, January 31, 2007
wir bestaetigen, dass wir
Frau Shuxian LIM,
geb. 16.03.1986 in Singapur
zu einem Studienaufenthalt an die Universitaet Stuttgart eingeladen haben. Die Studierende nimmt an einem Austauschprogramm zwischen ihrer Heimatuniversitaet, der National University of Singapore, und der Universitaet Stutt-gart teil und soll von 01.04.07 bis 31.07.07 in Stuttgart studieren. Wir waeren deshalb dankbar, wenn Sie der Studierenden ein Visum ab 1. April 2007 ausstellen koennten.
Die Studierende erhält ein Stipendium aus Mitteln des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) fuer den Zeitraum von April 2007 bis Juli 2007 in Hoehe von monatlich 480 EUR.
Mit freundlichem Gruss
Raphaela Diel
Betreuung internationale Studierende
yay! Despite knowing that this award is not hard to get, I still feel estatic! =) I got the Baden-Wuerttemberg Stipendium! With that, visa is free too heh.. Will be getting some money each month.. hehe.. I don't have to live in dire poverty now! But still very poor now though..
Friday, January 26, 2007

*AL, saw this in flickr.. heh.. looks like maggie mee and I'm famished now! hehe*
Tiny new life is borned! This tiny and vulnerable bundle arrived barely a month ago and already, he knows how to be lazy hehe.. Sleeping soundly despite all my futile attempts at disturbing him..


Ooo look at that cute little thing sleeping so serenely
his shy mummy sitting in front of me refused to pose for a picture
here's a picture of my annoying brother in my still neat and tidy *ahem.. ok rather neat and tidy* room before he enlisted

i seriously hope that he learns or at least show more manners at camp
but then again, sent off to tekong this morning by our mummy..
Like TS mentioned in his blog, I find it hard to imagine myself in my aunt's shoes. It feels totally alien when I imagine myself having to go through maternal confinement when here I am, still asking for allowance and piano lesson fees, thinking about how much more I can procrastinate before I really need to study( during the school sem)..
Saturday, January 13, 2007
cant wait to get more jobs to boost my bank account.. getting desperate...
not being stagnated vs moving forward