Thursday, April 26, 2007
You scored as Sirius Black. You are the most loyal friend anyone could ask for because you'd go to any length to ensure their safety and happiness. You're free-spirited and very difficult to confine to a caged life. You love being in the company of those you love and love to show them how much they mean to you. You loathe those who only live for self-gain and show disloyalty. You're a great person but sometimes its needed of you to think more rationally than being quick to jump into things.
Harry Potter Character Combatibility Test created with |
Friday, April 13, 2007
Quite terrible actually. First i had to drag and lug a heavy luggage with laptop and a hand carry bag all the way from Zuerich to Stuttgart. Then I had to almost forget my laptop in Zuerich and leave it on some trolley after I board the train. Next I had to rush about buying groceries and food and a phone card because no shops would be open the next day. Was too tired to cook that evening so i just ate some bread and went to bed. I don't think I bathed haha. Since the Hausmeister (they translate it as caretaker i think that's a bad tranlsation. Sounds like I live in a cemetary.) office was closed by the time I arrive in Stuttgart, my buddy had to collect my keys first. However, she didn't ask for bed linens and blankets(maybe she thought I will have), so I almost froze to death the first night. My bed was unfortunately far from the heater so I squatted beside the heater (heater was quite low on the floor). I was still shivering in front of the heater! Didn't felt any warmer even beside the heater. In the end I took all the warm jackets I brought to use as blankets. It was really DAMN bad.
But not the worse. I had called Siwei the previous evening and he asked me to call him when I wake up the next morning. I happily thought that was a fresh start to my day and tried to cheer up about being alone. To my dismay, I realised that ALL the food and aluminium foil I left in my LOCKED cupboard were gone. Till now I have no idea how it happened. It just happened! I went straight back to my room, sat on the bed and cried. Yes I always cry easily, but that was the 4th time since I reached Germany. Was already trying to hold back tears on the train from Zuerich. Cried after I bought the groceries and before I fell asleep.
Lucky for me, I didn't put all the stuff in that cupboard. Ate some bread mixed with tears LOL (not that bad) and met S. We went around a bit and then to his friend's place. Nice friend of his, lent me blankets and bedsheets, i ate lunch and dinner at his place. The next 2 days were much better. Oh yes I almost forgot to mention that my buddy left for Prague the very next day after I arrived so I was feeling lost most of the time. Had to time to do the free StudiTicket, so had to buy the freaking expensive day ticket to travel.
Since last year, I always thought I enjoy being alone. Now I really hate it. It makes me feel depressed and lost. Helpless and vulnerable even. Germans are damn tall I feel like an insignificant kid. Totally different from immersion, so much more enjoyable and memorable than this horrible week. Like Faith, initially I just feel like flying home immediately. Thankfully it's much better now.
Here's a few pics.

nice blur sky from Fernsehturm

yuck don't they look like meal worms?

shu trying to enjoy being alone

and a nice sunset to round the horrible week up