Friday, September 28, 2007
Me tourist in Singapore?
Tuesday was Mid-Autumn Festival, also the first time I visited Chiantown during the fest. Aurelia and me both had no idea where the main activities were located and had to scout around for Tourist Information. We chanced upon the Chinatown Heritage Centre and I voluntarily took part in my first ever guided tour of Singapore that is not organised by the school! Haha.. The tour was supposed to be only for tourists, but because Lutz the Angmoh wanted to take part, the man closed an eye and allowed Au and me to join too.
Having spent last year's Mid-Autumn Fest serenely in a nice corner with a nice view, this year's noisy and crowded Fest is a nice change. *Smacks forehead* Crowded places are never good.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Salmon Sashimi !
Considering the amount of Salmon Sashimi I usually consume, I think I might just die from mercury poisoning one day. Raw Oysters too! I simply can't stop ! OMG Having it while with Kopfschmerzen doesn't reduce any bit of my enjoyment.
Things have been going smoothly for me recently but it doesn't mean I'm complaining. And I'm actually enjoying Macroeconomics 2. With a good lecturer and tutor, it's not as hard as I thought it to be 3 semesters ago. I not only know what's going on in class, but also understands the concepts! No thanks to a certain WWK for making it seem un-understandable.
Strange it seems, another lecturer, who's teaching Econometrics 1 talks REALLY slowly. Many people, me included attended the first lecture with much enthusiasm, only to end up having to refrain ourselves from falling asleep. He is so slow, I cannot understand him. By the time he finishes his sentence, I've already forgotten what he said at the beginning.
No matter how good a teacher is, it all depends on the attitude of the student. So why is it that at Primary 6, my cousin, with 2 weeks left to PSLE, cries when I set him homework to do? Worst, he cried as he did the specimen paper, making it look as though I forced him to study. The truth? I set him one Mathematics paper (2h 15 mins) and when I asked him why he cried, he said "Do so much!" I don't see him looking lethargic when he gets the play. I don't hear him complaining that he has too much time to play. Which Primary 6 boy cries when told to do homework? Which primary 6 boy negotiates with his mum, saying that he will not do homework if she doesn't let him play computer games?
Oh well.. it's better for me to just look forward to my next Salmon Sashimi cum Raw Oysters dinner!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
At least I passed
die Studentin Lim Shuxian hat mir eine Hausarbeit geschrieben, für die sie einen benoteten Schein bekommen kann: bestanden, Note: 3
Den Schein selbst kann ich Ihnen erst im Oktober schicken, da ich keinen
Stempel in der Hand habe. Ich hoffe, dies wäre in Ordnung für Sie.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Katerina Zombolou
*The student Lim Shuxian has submitted her essay and passed with a grade of 3,0.
I can only send the certificate in October as I do not have the stamp at hand. I hope this would be alright with you.*
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Strange dream
Strange dream huh..