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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Shuxian has decided to challenge herself to complete at least a half marathon next year. Who wants to join her in the training?

This would have sounded unbelivable if it were 5 years ago during my JC days, where PE or any form of exercise was virtually the bane of my life. But I'm actually looking forward to the sense of achievement!! Huge change huh..
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Shu ist sehr enttaeuscht.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Golf crash course at Bishan Driving Range
For some strange reasons, I never thought I would attend a golf course at least in the near future.

Woke up at 6++ am on Sunday (can you believe that?!) and reached bishan at 8am. The weather was sunny and SWELTERING! In any case, as we were told to wear Polo T-shirts and since we were facing the sun, I almost turned into baked-Shuxian.

For beginners, the other guys can beyond 100m. Mine always land within 50m no matter which club I use. Not that bad haha... considering that I was the only female beginner. (*self-deluding).
Monday, September 29, 2008
Alright! Been a long time since I even logged into blogger to blog, the reason being me having nothing much interesting to write about. And even for now, my motivation to blog actually came from my tuition kid Candia, who suggested that I write about my driving lessons.

I first decided to learn driving in June because I hoped that I can achieve something in this 6-months period, during my contract with NUS. With my bad psycho motor skills, I decided that learning at the school was best since they claimed that their passing rate is higher than those of private instructors. (Well silly me, they wouldn't possibly claim a passing rate lower than that of private instructors, would they?) I was pleasantly surprised when I passed the basic theory test without any hiccups since I failed most of the the practice sessions badly. Imagine my surprise when I could pass the final theory test although I read the final theory book 2 weeks before the test and didn't even open the book again until 3 mins before the test. And now, it's the real driving lessons begin......
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Long overdue post. Wakeboarding with Herr Tong and a few friends.
Here's pictures of the guys... they make standing up look so incredibly easy.

And here's me learning from the boatman. I managed to stand up at first try too!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

15 years of education has just passed in a blink of the eye since my last graduation photo during K2. Now, it's barely a month till I wear the real graduation gown.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Relax… Finally
Over the past month, I completed 4 consecutive exams, 2 full-day seminars, the usual piano lessons, teaching and tuition, family gatherings, skin centre appointments, a wedding photo shoot, 1 DnD, Kbox, catching up with friends, sending Anlin off at the airport and a short trip of 1 week to Melaka. It was really, extremely, absolutely, totally, and completely tiring, except for the time spent in Melaka.

In spite of not knowing where to start telling my tale, I can still sum up my entire month with one word, and that is Hectic.

Saturday, 17 May—Wedding Photo Shoot, Piano lesson, DnD, and drinks
Shuxian, who was supposed to start her day at 0700 overslept again. The unearthly hour is one main reason although she’s been trying to be punctual all the time. However, with her Power-preparation speed and rushing, Shuxian managed to reach Harbour Front in time and on time and even before the Bride and Groom! Besides the bride and groom, everyone present wore old clothes and some even permanently stained, even the camera man, who’s also part of the team. The ride from Seah Im Food Centre car park to Fort Serapong was thought provoking. It hardly felt like it was yesterday when I first started out with the team and *poof* it’s almost 2 years since! Green scenery emphasized that lots of time has indeed passed. For the photo shoot, just imagine wedding gown and tux in a forest, which eventually turned out fantastic!

When that was all done, the whole gang decided to go to City hall for chicken rice. Unfortunately, Shuxian had to rush off to teach and couldn’t stay for lunch. Her poor stomach had to be contented with Happy Meal from MacDonald’s and her poor students might have had a hard time trying not squinch up their noses because she hadn’t had the time to bathe beforehand. And thankfully piano lesson went as usual. Right after piano lesson, Shuxian again hastened home to get ready for her DnD. Her first DnD, it was enjoyable, food was great and the audiences were well entertained. Of course, there were the people who dressed up for the Masquerade theme for us to look at. After the dinner, a few of us went out for drinks at Bukit Timah. I was dozing off even as I sat and mostly listened. Thankfully Peiling sent me home and I collapsed into bed at 0400 the next day.