Wednesday, May 31, 2006
sound so mountain tortoise.. but i really think i will be really fit after this trip... walk and walk.. walk and walk.. besides getting sick of breads, im getting pretty sick of walking too.. but the public transport system here is pretty easy to smoke through... they dun have gates for u to put in ur card to enter the trains because most people have concession travel.
german lessons everyday... sehr sehr langweilig!!! wa.. this teacher is the worse man.. plus we have to face her everyday except weekends and PH and some times up to 5/6 hours a day! sian... here's a pic of me sleeping hee.. dun doubt that this was a accident.. haha.. anyway the teacher is named Dagmar Grieser and not really on the thin side.. so erm... she looks like the witch in the little mermaid.. haha.. its a strange name i know but apparently it seems to be quite a popular german name.. german sort of getting better... sad to say not getting alot better... but i can understand more of the blabbering.. when they speak very fast.. now they dun sound so much like speaking in martian already..

picture of me sleeping.. an everyday sight.. hee..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
haha.. well thats me.. permanent member of the slackers' club.. ex-co already.. 2more days to germany! Getting increasingly excited, so blogging now because I cant slp.. But the thought of packing just spoils everything (for the time being.. hee) Still about half done with packing only..! That's because I keep trying to rmb wat have i alrready packed..
Weird thing about me is i always feel home sick before long trips.. haha.. NO idea wats wrong with me.. but i tend to have osciliate between bouts of home sickness and excitement before the trip.. the excitement makes me high and that's y im down here blogging lol..
Was at suntec today. What's wrong with the students nowadays? Y are they all flogging to town after school? It gets irritating when u cant even walk faster without having to aviod knocking into people. Even the past few days during the week days, shopping centres were packed! I thought its their exam period now? hmmm guess children must be smarter now than our time if they have so much free time ha.. or were we just more stupid? hee.. rather its them smarter.. Anyway, my best wishes to all having exams now..
Jia you xue er!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
anyway went to anlin's house yesterday to return her piano book so that she can practice for her piano lesson tmr.. Initially i only intended to stay for about and hour.. But, I ended up staying an extra 6 HOURS!!! haha.. we did the blog, played the duet and made pizette for lunch... Unfortunately, we didnt let the dough rise enough.. the crust was hard as rock.. haha.. Its the same thing. I wonder is it us or a coincidence haha.. The 1st time we made pizza together with wholemeal flour, it turned out almost the same way. But when qiuqun and peishan were with us, the crust turned out fine! haha.. ok.. Or rather anlin made the dough while i entertained her by the side of her tiny kitchen.. haha.. u can actually touch the sink and fridge if u stretch out ur arms in a straight line to ur shoulders! haha..

Anlin happily anticipating lunch!